Days 1 and 2

Day 1


Readings: Matthew 16 v 13 - 19, Romans 10 v 12 - 13, Ephesians 3 v 6

What is the true nature of the church as the Bible teaches about it? As we pray without ceasing, there is need to understand the ministry of the. church, the portrait and concept. Most Christians and non-Christians have still a thought or concept of the "church" as a building or a designated place of worship.

The church in fact is God's called-out assembly, composed of God's people gathered for worship and work to fulfil and accomplish God's purposes and MISSION. It is not the place where we meet for worship since we can meet in a cathedral, synagogue, theatre, house, tent, under a tree or anywhere else. Jesus says to Peter:
"You are the rock on which I will build my church."
The most important and critical thing to keep in mind is that the church is a spiritual organism and not an organization. Rick Warren, in his book, A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE once said,
"The church is a BODY, not a business, it is an organism, not an organization,
it is a family, not an institution."
This simply means that in nature the church is equally a spiritual organism, hence the ministry of the church is also primarily, a spiritual ministry with a specific spiritual message that should be proclaimed by spiritual people in order to accomplish spiritual purposes and this should be done relying on spiritual power.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that the word "CHURCH" refers basically to the universal church and the local church. The universal church talks of every true Christian all over the world and thus is referred to as "THE BODY OF CHRIST", while the local church is the physical expression of the body of Christ in a particular place. According to scripture, the church is seen with regard to its spiritual nature as the body of Christ - Eph. 4 v12, the household of God - Eph. 2 v 19, a spiritual building - the holy temple - Eph. 2 v 21 - 22.

With regard to spiritual structure, Christ is the head and Chief corner-stone ­ Eph. 1 v 22 - 23. Here, the believers are living stones making up the church - 1 Peter 2 v 5, the spiritually gifted leaders and the members in the church being saints and servants, core workers to accomplish the MISSION of God's purpose. Yes the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe exists and ministers in this spirit yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Prayerful thought: Oh dear Lord I now know that the church is a Body of Christ and that I belong to this body of Christ.

Day 2


Readings: 2 Corinthians 6 v 16, Ephesians 2 v22, Hebrews 3 v 16, 1 Timothy 3 v 15, 1 Peter 5 v 2, Colossians 1 v 18

The Biblical picture of the church is that it is the body of Christ - God given house, holy temple, the dwelling place of God, flock under the shepherd and a body under the Head. We can only have a clear picture of the Nature and Function of the church when we look into:



because the church was born without sacrifice, priesthood and tabernacle as was the Mosaic Covenant.

The three central elements of sacrifice, priesthood and tabernacle in the Mosaic Covenant became the basis for covenant relationship in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of sacrifice, priesthood and tabernacle and therefore there is no need for:

i) earthly priests to forgive sins because Jesus is the High priest - Heb. 4 v 14

ii) a sacrificial system as in the Mosaic law because it was fulfilled completely in Christ's death – Heb. 7 v 27, 9 v 14 - 28

iii) earthly tabernacle because Jesus came in the flesh in fulfilment of the tabernacle - He is EMMANUEL, GOD WITH US - 1 Peter 3 v 18

Indeed the Early Church was born without these three elements but an outgoing church for a coming Christ - a missional church and evangelising church.

So then what is the Church? The church is not:

a) a museum

b) a social club

c) for cultural identification

d) an institution

e) a theatre

f) a building because a focus on a building may be witness to immobility, inflexibility and our pride.

The church is a holy spiritual and God directed that transcends what the eye normally sees. The church is spoken of as the result of and within the context of the plan of God for His whole creation - Ephesians 1 v 9 - 10.

The redemption of people is the CENTRE OF GOD'S plan, the earthly agent of the cosmic reconciliation in GOD'S WILL.

The church has to be looked at from a charismatic perspective also because it is the result of the GRACE - (CHARIS) of God. The church has the exercise of spiritual gifts of grace - (CHARISMATA), the church is edified - Romans 12 v 6 - 8, Ephesians 4 v 7- 16. The body of Christ exists for the maturing and discipling of its members, and that the gifts deal specifically with maturing. People are gifted by God and their giftedness can be returned to Him by serving others. Giftedness is not something that bursts into sudden flower with a single exhortation, but it flows from a series of sermons or bursts into being after some training. The church must build a ministering people and this growth process is tended by the Holy Spirit.

The community perspective is the other side we need to look at. The church is a community of God's people who are:

a) A CHOSEN PEOPLE - as a result of God's sovereign grace - 2 Timothy 1 v 9

b) A COVENANT PEOPLE - a specific relationship based on moral and ethical standards. Each Christian needs to be taught to live responsive to his/her Lord, to listen for His voice and to follow obediently - Hebrews 8 v 6.

c) A COMMUNICATING PEOPLE - witnesses to God's personal acts through history. God brings into the church's political novelty the world's community of those who suffer instead of inflicting suffering, whose fellowship crosses social lines instead of reinforcing them. The new Christian community is not only a vehicle of the GOSPEL or the fruit of the GOSPEL, but it is the GOOD NEWS - Acts 2 v 32, 3 v 15, 4 v 33.

d) A CONSECRATED PEOPLE - a sharing divine nature living in active tension with the world, but looking for a city. Leviticus 11 v 44 - 45, 19 v 2, 20 v 7, 1 Peter 1 v 15 - 16.
Prayerful thought: O Holy Spirit, please fall afresh on us so that I become a ministering person in the church.